Advertise (PR Welcome)

*If you are interested in having a giveaway on please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your interest in Advertising on

Reasons To Advertise On
  • Your main audience of interest are:
* High School Graduates
* College Students
* Graduate Students
* Parents of College-bound Students

Statistics (From Google Analytics)   
  • Monthly Visitors: 3000+
  • Monthly Pageviews: 6000+
  • Top Five States of Visitors:  
         1. California  
         2. New York
         3. Texas
         4. Ohio
         5. New Jersey 

  • Search Engines(85%)
  • Direct Traffic (10%)
  • Referring Sites(5%)

Free PageRank Checker

Which campaign is right for you? 
Campaign 1: Text Link

What You Get: A text link to your site placed on the “Partners” section in the footer.

Campaign 2: 125 x 125 Banner Box

What You Get: Your 125 x 125 banner box on the right hand side of the site.

Campaign 3: 160 x 600 Banner

What You Get: Your banner placed on the right hand side of the site.

Campaign 4: 200 x 200 Square Box

What You Get: A 200 x 200 square box placed on the footer.  

Campaign 5: Tweets

What You Get: Your site link with slogan tweeted to our 300 Followers. 

Please choose a campaign that works for you and contact us

Note: The above does not limit how we will advertise on our site, thus if you have other ideas please feel free to contact us.