Online College Degrees

Distant learning has become widespread and attracts many students because of its flexibility. The possibilities of an online degree are endless. You can get: an online accounting degree, get into online PhD Programs, get an online bachelor's degree or master's degree. Seriously, the sky is the limit!

Online Education For DummiesI am going to provide you with some tips on becoming an online college student. The first thing you need to figure out is which colleges in your state offer online degrees. This is important because not only will it make the transfer process easier later on, but it will most likely be a well known college since it will have a physical campus. You need to search as many websites as you can so that you can compare each online college with other competitors.

Alright, after you find the online colleges that are offered in your state and you have this all down on paper, you have to list questions that you are going to ask those schools. I used to wait about a day or two and I would get my paper and pen as soon as a question comes to my head. Then after I have all the questions written down, I would start making the calls to those online colleges. When you do this, be sure to stay as organized as possible and keep track of which schools said what and who you spoke with.

The number one question you should be asking first and foremost is "What is the accreditation of your school?" However, before you even ask this question, you have to do research on what accreditation is required by your state. If you get the answer you are looking for then you go on to the next question. You should ask about cost, degrees available, is test proctoring required, how the registration works, how much is the application fee, what online college classes and online degree programs are available, etc. These are just some questions, but you have to ask what ever you want. Don't feel like you're burdening the representative, because remember they are getting paid to answer you questions.
Once you narrow the list down to at least five online colleges, call them again and ask for catalogs. You should also start doing your own research on each distant learning school, ask around, and call again and again until all your concern are taken care of.

If you are satisfied with an online school, apply to it. Then register for classes, get your books, pay for everything, and you're all set. Don't forget to apply for financial aid and scholarships, you might be eligible. is a site you should get to know.

*Tip: You will be asked for a lot of paperwork and the fastest way to submit everything is by faxing it. It will get there fast, which means it will make the entire process go quickly and a decision will be made sooner.