When this semester is over, you should enjoy your time off from school. However, don’t spend all of your time having fun; you need do some preparation for next semester.

Get Your Textbooks!
Next, you need to start thinking about your textbooks for the upcoming courses. You need to email all your professors and request textbook information such as title, edition and ISBN#. This is so that you don't have to buy the textbooks from the school bookstore where prices are beyond mentionable (you all know what I mean). If the professors don't give you textbook information, take a walk to the college bookstore and get the information yourself. Another method would be to check if the information has been posted on the college bookstore's website. Some colleges will only post limited information, but if you have the title and edition, you can probably manage without the rest of the info.
Once you have your book information, start your search for the cheapest bargain. Dealoz.com can compare prices for you, but you might also want to check craigslist.org for books. Half.com, which is associated with ebay.com, is another great site for used and new textbooks.
Get Rid of Last Semester's Books!
After registering for the upcoming semester you then need to get rid of your textbooks from the previous semester. You need that money to buy textbooks for the upcoming semester. However, I would suggest that you wait until the week before classes start because that's when you can sell them for the highest price. That's when procrastinators are looking for their textbooks. If that week is hectic for you, which it shouldn't be since you will be doing everything ahead of time, but if it is, then sell your books two to three weeks before classes start.
Get in Touch With Your Advisor...
You need to speak to him/her ASAP because they will make sure you have the correct classes on your schedule, and help you with other confusing matters.
Don't forget to file or renew your FAFSA! This is crucial, yet many students don't realize that. You never know if you are eligible for aid unless you file your FAFSA. Remember you are doing this before the semester starts, not after.
If you have finished everything, then you can enjoy the rest of your time off and have some fun!
How do You Prepare for the Upcoming Semester?