Interview and Giveaway: The College Success Plan & $20 Amazon Giftcard

This giveaway is closed. Congratulations to Rosa, you have won a signed copy of the book The College Success Plan. Also congratulations to Hannah Gerdes, you have won the $20 Amazon gift card!!!

College Advice Blog caught up with the author of The College Success Plan, Annette Bosley-Boyce, to find out some more about her book. Below the interview you will find the chance to enter a giveaway for a signed copy of the book or a $20 Amazon giftcard! Two winners will be choosen, one for each of the prizes (details below). 

Where did you get the idea for this book?
As a college administrator and adjunct professor for over twelve years, I’ve met hundreds of students that chose to go to college and blindly signoff on student loans without having any plans for their future. When I started noticing that even my juniors and seniors didn’t know what type of career or salary to expect for themselves after graduation, I realized that we have an epidemic problem on our hands. If you combine this with the fact that the cost of college tuition is rising three times the rate of inflation, and that the amount of student loan debt in this country has now passed the $1 trillion mark, it becomes apparent that we need to help our teens not just plan for college but plan for the tougher future they’ll be inevitably facing. My book is a response to this dilemma. 

Who should read this book or participate in this program?
This book is designed primarily for the high school student or teen (ages 13 -19) that are beginning their college planning. However, in order to keep teens motivated, I recommend that parents get involved in reading the lessons too since they can help their teens understand the relevance of the book’s exercises.

What’s the most valuable lesson in the book/program?
Choosing one can be difficult, but I believe the lesson on financial aid is crucial. In this lesson, teens and their parents not only learn about the different types of aid and scholarships that are available for college bound teens, but they also learn how to apply everything they discovered in their career planning lessons to make sure they can keep their student loan debt manageable. (This means being able to pay off their debt using a very reasonable ten-year payback benchmark, instead of signing up for twenty and thirty-year loans that may impede on their future and their children’s future.)

College Advice Blog is also running another giveaway for a clip light, enter for a chance to win here!