Furthering education is essential in the modern economy. With more employers seeking skilled workers that have specialized training beyond a G.E.D or diploma, adults of all ages are faced with the necessity of learning and upgrading skills and knowledge. Vocational training is an excellent option for many adult students which can help further a career or open a path to a new career.
When compared to the traditional four-year college, vocational training facilities offer relatively fast training and certifications in growing trade skill fields. Many vocational facilities are expanding their programs to include cutting edge training in new fields too, to help prepare workers for a modern workplace in growing fields.
Vocational Certifications- How They Differ From College Degrees:
While a traditional four-year college prepares students for work in several fields of employment, vocational certifications ready students for a specific job or function. For example, a college student who earns a degree in business might work in management, financing, logistics or advertising, while a student who earns a vocational certificate in welding will be specifically prepared for a welding job.
While both forms of education have different benefits, vocational training is often preferred by adults who know there are specific jobs in their hometown or region which require a certain amount of training or special certifications, but do not require lengthy college degrees. While a college degree may offer a broader range of possibilities, often graduates must leave their home town to find suitable employment, or take employment in a field they are less interested in, simply because they are qualified for that particular job via their degree.
Vocational certifications also focus on skilled labor, such as small engine repair, plumbing, electrical work, automotive repair and construction, rather than business, the sciences, or liberal arts. Some training centers do offer basic courses in computers and remedial math and reading to help new students succeed, but unlike a college these are usually not required to earn a certificate.
New Certifications and Vocational Trends:
While trade skills are an important part of most vocational facilities, an increasing number have begun to add other programs for students that aren't interested in physical or mechanically oriented jobs.
Earning a certification to become a nursing assistant (CNA) is one training option that is becoming more popular in many trade schools, while others have added basic accounting, child care assistant, horticulture and greenhouse keeping, and personal training. With more options being added to many facilities each year, the opportunity for adult students to further their education in an employable area of their interest is becoming a reality for many people.
Because programs may change each semester or season, some new programs may not yet appear on vocational school websites or brochures, so it is important for future students to contact the facility directly if there are any questions about specific programs available.
Before Enrolling:
The costs of vocational schools are usually much less than college. In addition, most facilities offer both day and evening classes for those students with jobs or children, making it easier to schedule a convenient time to attend.
Whether or not a particular school will take student loans, grants or scholarships will depend on the school itself; some privately owned vocational schools may not take Federal forms of funding while some others will. State owned schools may offer help with filling out the proper applications and forms for student loans, but each will vary.
About the Author
Natasha Burke is a firm
believer that different educational majors suit people in different
ways, whether it be an arts degree, an English degree,
or a marketing bachelor degree.